
This is a space to widen our explorations and enter the conversation of lectio divina. It invites us to consider the nature and purpose of the bible (Scripture), the content of our beliefs (Theology), and the quality of our lived faith (Spirituality). The Scripture brings us into encounters with the living God. It gives us a framework to consider the kind of persons we are to become and how we might live in the specific conditions, challenges, and opportunities of our times.

Michael Palandro Michael Palandro

Scripture and Partisan Politics: A Problem for Christians

Reading Scripture brought into focus 1) my inordinate allegiance to nation, 2) the unique voice of the church in politics, and 3) Christ’s cruciform life as the dominant model for a Christian’s attitude and actions toward others.

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Michael Palandro Michael Palandro

What to Expect When You Read The Bible

As we think about whether to read the bible for ourselves or read another person's reflections or meditation on the bible, it is important to know what we can or should receive from that reading. In this video, I will describe four things that can and should result from a good reading of Scripture.

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Michael Palandro Michael Palandro

The Advantage Of Reading The Bible For Yourself

Do you read the bible for yourself or read/listen to someone else's reflections or meditations on the bible? While there are benefits to reading someone else's reflections, in the end, it essential that each of us does our own reading of the bible.

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