Lectio divina is a prayerful and meditative reading of Scripture employed to facilitate a transformative intimacy with God


You will find in the "Learning" section a variety of attempts to describe, explain, and demonstrate lectio divina. There will be overviews of the practice as well as detailed explanations of the various elements, the process, and underlying dynamics at work in lectio divina.

I have also included descriptions and demonstrations of "my" practice of lectio divina. To keep it real I am including video recordings of my actual practice - no production, no editing - just me engaging God and Scripture with lectio divina.

I have a particular point of view. Lectio divina was created and developed in monastic communities over centuries. The approach used by most contemporary practitioners was formalized in a book called The Ladder of Monks, written in the 12th century. So my doctoral studies focused on the understanding and practice of lectio divina from that context. I have been informed by both ancient and contemporary writers and developed my personal approach from those resources.

I hope that the material presented here will help you to form your practice of lectio divina.


Connecting the power of Scripture with our desires in Christ

What really happens during Lectio Divina

Lectio divina: my approach from beginning to end

Michael works through lectio divina with John Aureli

Modeling lectio divina #1 John 11

Modeling lectio divina #2 John 11

The advantage of reading the bible for yourself

What to expect when we read the bible