Lectio divina

A process designed to facilitate meaningful and transformative encounters with God through Scripture.


About Lectio4Life

I created Lectio4Life to help people experience the transformative power of Scripture by describing, explaining, and demonstrating an ancient premodern way of engaging Scripture called lectio divina.

Lectio divina is a holistic, relational, and conversational process designed to facilitate meaningful and transformative encounters with God through Scripture. Lectio is personal (nurturing a deeper life with God), and practical (able to serve individuals and communities for a lifetime), thereby inspiring the name Lectio4Life

Lectio4Life grew out of 4 years of personal reflective practice of lectio divina in conjunction with my doctoral studies focusing on the origins and development of lectio divina through the 12th century C.E. 

Lectio4Life is designed to inspire and equip people to prioritize the personal reading of Scripture and adopt lectio divina as a preferred approach to engaging Scripture.


About Michael Palandro

Being a seeker at heart led me on a fascinating journey through Catholicism, existentialism, Eastern religions and psychedelic drugs. In the end, Christ found me, and that encounter has defined my life and passions ever since. More than anything, I have dedicated my life to knowing Christ, learning the Scriptures, growing up, and serving God’s people.

These passions have resulted in a lifetime of disciplined and prayerful reading of Scripture along with graduate degrees in biblical studies, theology, and Christian spiritual formation. In turn, I have shared what I have learned and who I have become by serving as a pastor, teacher, life coach, and leader in cross-cultural ministry—almost all of this in the Vineyard Movement. And now, I hope to bring this experience to bear through the creation of Lectio4Life. I am convinced that Scripture and lectio divina can have the greatest impact of any spiritual practice on a person who will form a habit of reading the Bible with lectio divina. Therefore, through Lectio4Life I want to support you in your spiritual journey and the practice of lectio divina.

On a personal note, I think my life has remained somewhat balanced and sane because of 45 years of marriage to Donna, having three fun grandkids, bowling, a motorcycle, and eating chocolate EVERY day.