Part 1 Overcoming Obstacles: A Way to Measure the Effectiveness of Your Reading Approach

In my experience, most Christians want to read the Bible more frequently. They are also interested in trying new approaches that might positively impact their spiritual growth and vitality. But most of us find it difficult to change how often we read or change our method of reading.

So, this video is the first installment of a short series addressing the challenges we face when creating new habits around our engagement with the Bible. I want to begin by admitting that one reason you might not want to make any changes in your engagement with Scripture is that your current approach is working well. You know what they say, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!" And I would agree that if it is genuinely working well, I won't change a thing.

However, sometimes we don't realize that our current approach could be better because we are not aware of all the ways that Scripture can and should impact our lives.

Therefore, in this first episode, I want to give us something to measure the quality of our experience with Scripture. Specifically, I want to identify four ways our lives should be impacted by reading the Bible.

If these things aren't part of our experience, then we have a chance to consider making some changes.

Michael Palandro

I am amazed at the profound effect lectio divina has on my relationship with Christ, my engagement with Scripture, and my transformation. Convinced of the potential impact of lectio divina on every Christian’s spiritual formation, I am committed to Lectio4Life to support you in your spiritual journey and the practice of lectio divina.

Part 2 Overcoming Obstacles: Adopting an Effective Approach to Reading Scripture


What I Learned from Cobra Kai and the Bible