Part 2 Overcoming Obstacles: Adopting an Effective Approach to Reading Scripture

I know many devoted followers of Christ who have given up trying to make Scripture reading a habitual practice.  For many, the results of reading have been disappointing and therefore not worth the effort. One remedy is to adopt a new approach to engaging Scripture. There are different ways of reading the bible but not all approaches are designed to provide the impact the bible offers, and most readers are expecting.

 In my experience, within the various methods we can utilize, we need an approach to Scripture that is grounded in what the text communicates and is a springboard to meaningful, intimate, and transformative encounters with God rooted in truth and grace. Such an approach, however, requires an attitude or orientation different than what most reading approaches require.

 In this episode from lectio4life, we explore the advantages of a reading approach that engenders true spiritual vitality and the orientation required for such an approach to be successful.

Michael Palandro

I am amazed at the profound effect lectio divina has on my relationship with Christ, my engagement with Scripture, and my transformation. Convinced of the potential impact of lectio divina on every Christian’s spiritual formation, I am committed to Lectio4Life to support you in your spiritual journey and the practice of lectio divina.

Part 3 Overcoming Obstacles: Making a Habit of Bible Reading


Part 1 Overcoming Obstacles: A Way to Measure the Effectiveness of Your Reading Approach