Learning Lectio Divina: Part 1-The Basics

Any attempt to build a habit of reading Scripture will need to include a practical approach. In general, this should be a method with a proven track record over time, intuitive, sustainable, and adaptable. Lectio divina meets all these criteria. As a practitioner of lectio divina, I know it to be meaningful and rewarding for both the beginner and the highly experienced. The first installment in this series provides a rudimentary knowledge of the elements and process that constitute lectio divina. This episode is a great place to begin and forms the starting point for a deeper dive into lectio divina. In conjunction with this video, I encourage you to download the lectio guide in the resource section of lectio4life.com.

Michael Palandro

I am amazed at the profound effect lectio divina has on my relationship with Christ, my engagement with Scripture, and my transformation. Convinced of the potential impact of lectio divina on every Christian’s spiritual formation, I am committed to Lectio4Life to support you in your spiritual journey and the practice of lectio divina.


Lectio Divina: Imagine Meeting with a Wise and Trusted Friend


Part 3 Overcoming Obstacles: Making a Habit of Bible Reading