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I see Jesus as the measure of a truly healthy and whole human being. And the possibility of becoming like him is everything I have ever hoped for.
The isolation created by the pandemic reminds us that we need each other to become all that God desires for us. And yet at the same time, we can’t depend entirely on others for our spiritual life.
Reading Scripture brought into focus 1) my inordinate allegiance to nation, 2) the unique voice of the church in politics, and 3) Christ’s cruciform life as the dominant model for a Christian’s attitude and actions toward others.
Do NOT read the bible for what it has to say to people you don't like, don't agree with, or for whom you don't intend to vote. Listen to what it has to say to you and for you!
I cannot remember a time when I felt more uncertain about what to say, how to say it, and how to act.
Lectio divina: a holistic, relational, & conversational process that facilitates a meaningful & transformative encounter with God through Scripture”
— Michael Palandro